Saturday, January 5, 2013

15 Minute Refashion.

Yeah, I know, this has been done and done and done. But I can't help myself -- it's the easiest refashion and I love summer dresses. This one will be going with me to the Caribbean in February.
Start with a skirt that's too big for you.
All this refashion consists of is hiking up an elastic waist skirt over your chest and belting it. You could leave it at that.

Maxi dress. Just add a belt.

But I wanted it shorter.
About 4 inches shorter.
And I wanted straps. I used the piece I cut off from the bottom to create a strap. Fold it in half length wise, right sides face, and sew it up making a tube. Then, turn the tube right side out.

Action shot!

 Thought about making the straps slightly wide-set.

But went with basic halter-style.
Pin, pin, pin. Sew, sew, sew.

All sewn in place.
I'll use the remaining cut off fabric as a sash. But what I Really Want is a slim red belt to go with this.

Finished. 15 minute refashion.

Definitely needs a red belt.

A Basic T-Shirt Refashion

So, this time I'm starting with a new t-shirt (eeeek, what about the year of nothing new?? I cheated.) But, it was really cute, and the price? About a dollar after discounts and coupons.
$28.00?? I don't think so.
It's a size 3x, which is too big for me, but t-shirts are so easy to take in. I was imagining I could use this as a bathing suit cover-up for my vacation in February (for which I have a pile of refashions waiting.)
To big, but cute print!
Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the taking it in process. Basically, I put it back on the dress form inside out and used pins to outline new seams on each side. Then, I ran that through the sewing machine and done - a better fitting t-shirt. Of course, I cut out the excess material the new seams left me and I wondered if I could do something with that fabric to add a little flair to the shirt.

Adding flair.
 I pinned one of those excess pieces around the existing neckline -- pin it on the inside so it sort of folds over to the outside. Ran that through the sewing machine and done. A cuter t-shirt.

 I might take the sleeves off to make it a tank top. We'll see.