Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pinterest-inspired Pillow

This isn't a refasion, but I actually made something I pinned on Pinterest.  This felt applique pin was the inspiration:

I happen to have some soft fleecy off-white material, and a tin of beads, sequins and notions from long-forgotten craft projects. I picked up a package of assorted color felt (about $4) and dove in.

Mine isn't as ornate, but I like it. It will probably become a Christmas gift for my niece.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Closed-Toe to Open-Toe Shoe Refashion

I've been away for a while -- literally, I took a year off from work to travel in Asia and South America. But now I'm back and thrifty as ever.

I got this idea from Pinterest (of course) -- and think it turned out pretty okay. So if you've been thinking about doing a shoe refashion, don't fear cutting off the toes to open up those shoes for summer.

A basic pair of loafers with heel. My standard shoe choice. 

You can see the scuffs on the heels

I got to cutting using this thing -- a box cutter? And scissors. 

One down, pretty easy. 

For this step, you can see my first post on shoe refashions. Basically, I use newspaper to trace a pattern of my shoe, then transfer that to fabric. 

Taking care of that heel. This is more of a mauve than the pink it looks in these photos. 

I had to switch to another bottle -- it took a lot of coats to cover the black heel. I should have use a different method. 

I think they turned out pretty cute. 

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