Saturday, July 7, 2012

Something New - And Something New from Something Old

Full disclosure - I bought something new. I would like to try to justify it by saying, "I had no choice" but it drives me crazy when I hear other people talking about doing things because they "had no choice." There is always a choice -- it might not always seem like it, but there is (sometimes, it's two bad choices, but there's still a choice.) That's an idea for a future blog.

In any case, I discovered that all 3 of my bathing suit tops had their elastic completely disintegrate. My choices? Don't do anything that involves a bathing suit this summer. Wear my old one piece from 2000. Or buy a new top (the black bikini bottoms are fine.) So I bought a $10 bikini top that should last me a while. But that's it -- a full 6-months into the year and that's all I've bought "new" that wasn't on the pre-approved list (1 pair sneakers, underwear.)

Something new from something old
Today I thought I'd post some of my refashions - I'm slowly getting up to speed on the basics and have worn several of my items out socially and no one has mocked me (to my face anyway.)

I have a few more, but I need to get better pics. In the meantime, I hit up a new-to-me thrift store today (where I got the red dress below - which was $6.00 by the way) and bought another 4 or 5 dress that need serious help. I'll be working on those during the week - hopefully the heat wave breaks and my own personal sweatshop will become comfortable for sewing. 

Before: A large skirt -
way too big for me, but I liked the pattern and light material.
After: A cute over the shoulder summer dress, with an asymmetrical hemline and matching sash. Drinks with the girls? Although it's pretty short - may be a standing around dress rather than sitting on a bar stool dress. 
Before: It doesn't look it
but this is a size 18 dress. I liked the print.
After: A me-size dress, sleeves removed,
matching sash (hard to see in this pic.) I'll wear this to work.